Monday 28 May 2012

Why most schools are failing their students.

Since the 1970s when I was a teacher I have maintained that we should teach young people practical skills for having their own business instead of teaching them to work for someone else. At that time they were just putting a toe in the water by showing pupils how to make out cheques. Big deal!!

Think back to what you learnt at school.

Did you learn how to write a book and take it through to publication and market it?

Could you design a product, find a manufacturer, cost it for production, work out profit margins and follow it through to marketing?

Did you learn anything by importing and exporting goods?

How would you construct a good workable business plan?

How would you finance a business? What do you know about interest rates, contracts, public liability insurance and national insurance?

How would you approach the various Council departments to find out what restrictions or rules apply to your proposed business?

I’m not suggesting that all these points should be studies in great detail but at least no child should leave school without the basic understanding of how to go about running a small business for themselves. It doesn’t make any economic sense to wait until a person is unemployed and then expect them to start looking for an alternative to being jobless.

How many good ideas have withered away because someone not knowing how to take the first step in developing the project?

Keeping children at school for increasingly more years is just a political ploy to keep the unemployment figures down. It increases vandalism because youngsters who are more mature now than ever before become frustrated when they are prevented from getting on with their lives doing something productive and actually earning a living.

At last Government is being dragged away kicking and screaming from this ridiculous idea of shovelling everyone into university with the promise of a better income and lifestyle at the end of it.

A) It’s a false promise as many are now discovering for themselves.

B) The majority of occupational training is best served by apprenticeships or learning on the job.

For example, we want our nurses to be highly trained but the old idea of taking in student nurses straight from school and allowing them to work with in-service training to higher positions. I know nurses today who have been to university and consider themselves too highly qualified to do menial and often unpleasant tasks for the comfort of their patients. E.g. They didn’t go to university to end up wiping someone’s bottom, emptying bedpans or listening to a complaining but probably scared patient.

No way! They are there to do medical things.

I hope you get my drift. Education – school – should be where you find out what you need to cope with your future whatever life throws at you.

The ethos of the school I attended as a child was ‘Our job is not to teach you a lot of facts but to show you how to find the facts you will need to discover in the future’.

It was with this in mind that I have devised ‘Prospecting For Gold’. The aim is to take you through from the point where you are trying to find some way of making a little extra money to creating your own business. You might want to stay as a small one person operation or expand to a multinational concern. The basic principles are the same. You should have been able to learn these at school but it’s not too late.

‘Prospecting For Gold’ is a monthly programme that you can stop or pause at any time you want. That pause facility is what makes it different from other programmes which allow you to stop at any time but if you want to resume the course you have to go back to the beginning again.

Why don’t you have a try it? It could be the best £27 you ever spent even if you decide to stop at the first instalment.

‘Prospecting For Gold’ is a monthly programme that you can stop or pause at any time you want. That pause facility is what makes it different from other programmes which allow you to stop at any time but if you want to resume the course you have to go back to the beginning again.
Why don’t you have a try it? It could be the best £27 you ever spent even if you decide to stop at the first instalment.
Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at www.showme-financialfreedom or email

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Want to Make Money - Need to Make Money

For the last few weeks I've been concentrating on the people who need to make money. These are people who just want to make money because they don't make enough to live on with any form of security. These are the people who will profit most from the 'Prospecting For Gold' Course. If you are in this category visit Show Me Financial Freedom .

For people who want to be not just rich but very rich there are some very good and successful plans. If you would like to know more about these email .

This is the last blog for a few days. I've been writing blogs and articles for the last few weeks and now I'm doing other things for a while.

I have a book to write and I want to spend more time up in the woods with my horses and my camera. I laso want to spend time researching my family tree.

This freedom is what Being Your Own Boss is all about!

Speak to you all soon.

In the meantime why not visit The Happy Entrepreneur/

Friday 6 August 2010

Are You Self-Motivated?

One of the fastest growing business ploys carried forward until now from the latter part of the twentieth century is the motivational meeting. Every publicly or privately owned business practices some sort of motivational stimulus.

National organisations regularly hold what I call 'Hurrah for us' meetings. They are often held over a weekend so that every person attending is steeped in motivation. One speaker after another stands up and announces how brilliantly they have all done in the past year. Everything is interspersed with opportunities to clap and cheer. It's Motivation with a capital M.

Everybody goes home with plans for the succesful future of their part of the business. Come Monday morning reality sets in. Motivation dwindles rapidly. By the end of the week it's no more than a flicker soon to be extinguished until the next time.

Some companies hold more frequent but less frantic motivational gatherings.

It seems to be assumed that unless we are all frequently motivationally prodded we will slow down until we stagger to mediocrity. We are brainwashed into believing that we have to be hyped up all the time or we will fail.

All these are external motivations you take on board and jettison just as quickly. There is only one sort of stimulus that is really successful and is essential for real entrepreneurs. If you are aiming to be your own boss and be financially free you have to be self-motivated. This is the inner spark that drives you. It's inescapable because it's part of your core being.

If you don't have that burning passion you should try to cultivate it if you want to succeed. Concentrate on one real interest and work on it until it really starts to motivate you to develop the interest until it becomes a driving force. It can be done.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email .

Thursday 5 August 2010

How Can I Be My Own Boss With A Camera

So  you've decided you'd like to be your own boss. So let's look at ways to get started.

Practically everyone has a digital camera these days and quite a good one doesn't cost a fortune. Photographs can be printed out very easily at home. How can you make money with your camera.

Weddings are a good place to start. I'm not suggesting that you take the place of the official photographer just yet. That will come later after you've got the experience and confidence.

What I'm suggesting is a photographer who wanders amongst the guests tking the sort of happy, informal pictures - definitely not posed, which people will enjoy. These can be made into an inexpensive album for the bride and groom or possibly for the parents of the bride and groom .

Guests will also like to choose some. While making a profit you can charge far less than the official photographer who won't be interested in taking these sort of photos. It is possible for you to produce these pictures ready for the guests to take home with them.

Of course there is a lot of preparation, marketing, etc. before you get started. If you would like to follow this up email

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at Show Me Financial Freedom

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Are You Too Posh To Start At The Bottom.

To start a business from scratch with little or no financial investment often means that you have to do jobs that some people think are 'beneath them'. Are you afraid of what your friends and neighbours might think if they see you doing some menial job? Is your 'image' more important to you than your vision for the future?

Multimillionaires have cleaned toilets, scrubbed floors, collected rubbish, sold ice cream and delivered catalogues to name just a few of the so-called menial jobs. They are not ashamed of doing them. Why should they be?

What you have to remember is that you know what you are worth. Your value is just as great whatever you do. You don't need the approbation of others. Remember - gold is just as valuable if it's covered in mud as it is when it's in pristine condition.

Don't let the opinion of others cloud your vision. You want to be your own boss and be financially free. Follow your instincts, work out the rout you're going to follow and stick to it. You will be laughing all the way to the Bank. If snyone was foolish enough to laugh at you, they won't be laughing then.

The thing is that you may never have to start at rock bottom if you set about things methodically. Climbing to the top of the mountain of success is not difficult if you take it in small manageable steps.

If you would like more information email me at

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at Prospecting For Gold

Saturday 24 July 2010

Visit the Happy Entrepreneur Blog

For the next week or so I will be working on Rhe Happy Entrepreneur Blog which is also designed to show the things you need to know if you want to be your own boss and enjoy financial freedom.

To transfer to The Happy Entrepreneur just click here. The Happy Entrepreneur/

If you haven't taken those first steps now please start planning. The Government haven't finished making the economic cuts that are vital if the country's finances are to retreat from the verge of bankruptcy. The positive thing to remember is that it is in times like these that real entrepreneurs can establish the foundations of future successful businesses while the faint hearted dither and do nothing but moan.

Which are you?

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email or email

Friday 23 July 2010

Ten Positive Ideas That Should Be The Base Of Every Successful Business

1. Maintain a happy atmosphere. Smiling is easier than frowning. It uses fewer muscles. You know what the old saying is. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.

2. Enjoy your life. Do everything with enthusiasm. If you look for the positive you will get when you are doing boring but necessary things. Do what the song says. Always look on the bright side of life. Think of the day when you are financially free and can choose to only do the enjoyable things.

3. Look for the best in people. Expect the best from them and you will usually get it. Expect to enjoy life and you probably will.

4. Let other people know you appreciate them. Praise them and compliment them whenever you can but it must be sincere and come from the heart.

5. Another old saying should be the mantra of the successful businessman or woman. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do, what you think and how you act can be the first step to financial freedom if you stay positive and keep moving forward.

6. Get to know people before you judge or evaluate them. You previous experience and prejudices could cause you to reject someone who would be invaluable to you. Approach them positively not negatively.

7. Think successful and you will be successful. Act positively and decisively. Don't keep looking for flaws unnecessarily.

8. Keep feeding your mind. Read motivational books. Mix with motivated people. Feed your mind with positivity. Keep away from the negative.

9. Be enthusiastic about what you do. Tell people about it in a way that shows your enthusiasm and will encourage them to want to join you.

10. Never give up. It is the easiest thing in the world to collapse like a deflated balloon if something goes wrong. Don't be a wimp. The successful business person will pick themselves up, dust themselves down, work out what went wrong and start all over again.

Until tomorrow - keep positive. Visit or email

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at The Happy Entrepreneur/