Friday 6 August 2010

Are You Self-Motivated?

One of the fastest growing business ploys carried forward until now from the latter part of the twentieth century is the motivational meeting. Every publicly or privately owned business practices some sort of motivational stimulus.

National organisations regularly hold what I call 'Hurrah for us' meetings. They are often held over a weekend so that every person attending is steeped in motivation. One speaker after another stands up and announces how brilliantly they have all done in the past year. Everything is interspersed with opportunities to clap and cheer. It's Motivation with a capital M.

Everybody goes home with plans for the succesful future of their part of the business. Come Monday morning reality sets in. Motivation dwindles rapidly. By the end of the week it's no more than a flicker soon to be extinguished until the next time.

Some companies hold more frequent but less frantic motivational gatherings.

It seems to be assumed that unless we are all frequently motivationally prodded we will slow down until we stagger to mediocrity. We are brainwashed into believing that we have to be hyped up all the time or we will fail.

All these are external motivations you take on board and jettison just as quickly. There is only one sort of stimulus that is really successful and is essential for real entrepreneurs. If you are aiming to be your own boss and be financially free you have to be self-motivated. This is the inner spark that drives you. It's inescapable because it's part of your core being.

If you don't have that burning passion you should try to cultivate it if you want to succeed. Concentrate on one real interest and work on it until it really starts to motivate you to develop the interest until it becomes a driving force. It can be done.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email .

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