Wednesday 11 August 2010

Want to Make Money - Need to Make Money

For the last few weeks I've been concentrating on the people who need to make money. These are people who just want to make money because they don't make enough to live on with any form of security. These are the people who will profit most from the 'Prospecting For Gold' Course. If you are in this category visit Show Me Financial Freedom .

For people who want to be not just rich but very rich there are some very good and successful plans. If you would like to know more about these email .

This is the last blog for a few days. I've been writing blogs and articles for the last few weeks and now I'm doing other things for a while.

I have a book to write and I want to spend more time up in the woods with my horses and my camera. I laso want to spend time researching my family tree.

This freedom is what Being Your Own Boss is all about!

Speak to you all soon.

In the meantime why not visit The Happy Entrepreneur/

Friday 6 August 2010

Are You Self-Motivated?

One of the fastest growing business ploys carried forward until now from the latter part of the twentieth century is the motivational meeting. Every publicly or privately owned business practices some sort of motivational stimulus.

National organisations regularly hold what I call 'Hurrah for us' meetings. They are often held over a weekend so that every person attending is steeped in motivation. One speaker after another stands up and announces how brilliantly they have all done in the past year. Everything is interspersed with opportunities to clap and cheer. It's Motivation with a capital M.

Everybody goes home with plans for the succesful future of their part of the business. Come Monday morning reality sets in. Motivation dwindles rapidly. By the end of the week it's no more than a flicker soon to be extinguished until the next time.

Some companies hold more frequent but less frantic motivational gatherings.

It seems to be assumed that unless we are all frequently motivationally prodded we will slow down until we stagger to mediocrity. We are brainwashed into believing that we have to be hyped up all the time or we will fail.

All these are external motivations you take on board and jettison just as quickly. There is only one sort of stimulus that is really successful and is essential for real entrepreneurs. If you are aiming to be your own boss and be financially free you have to be self-motivated. This is the inner spark that drives you. It's inescapable because it's part of your core being.

If you don't have that burning passion you should try to cultivate it if you want to succeed. Concentrate on one real interest and work on it until it really starts to motivate you to develop the interest until it becomes a driving force. It can be done.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email .

Thursday 5 August 2010

How Can I Be My Own Boss With A Camera

So  you've decided you'd like to be your own boss. So let's look at ways to get started.

Practically everyone has a digital camera these days and quite a good one doesn't cost a fortune. Photographs can be printed out very easily at home. How can you make money with your camera.

Weddings are a good place to start. I'm not suggesting that you take the place of the official photographer just yet. That will come later after you've got the experience and confidence.

What I'm suggesting is a photographer who wanders amongst the guests tking the sort of happy, informal pictures - definitely not posed, which people will enjoy. These can be made into an inexpensive album for the bride and groom or possibly for the parents of the bride and groom .

Guests will also like to choose some. While making a profit you can charge far less than the official photographer who won't be interested in taking these sort of photos. It is possible for you to produce these pictures ready for the guests to take home with them.

Of course there is a lot of preparation, marketing, etc. before you get started. If you would like to follow this up email

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at Show Me Financial Freedom

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Are You Too Posh To Start At The Bottom.

To start a business from scratch with little or no financial investment often means that you have to do jobs that some people think are 'beneath them'. Are you afraid of what your friends and neighbours might think if they see you doing some menial job? Is your 'image' more important to you than your vision for the future?

Multimillionaires have cleaned toilets, scrubbed floors, collected rubbish, sold ice cream and delivered catalogues to name just a few of the so-called menial jobs. They are not ashamed of doing them. Why should they be?

What you have to remember is that you know what you are worth. Your value is just as great whatever you do. You don't need the approbation of others. Remember - gold is just as valuable if it's covered in mud as it is when it's in pristine condition.

Don't let the opinion of others cloud your vision. You want to be your own boss and be financially free. Follow your instincts, work out the rout you're going to follow and stick to it. You will be laughing all the way to the Bank. If snyone was foolish enough to laugh at you, they won't be laughing then.

The thing is that you may never have to start at rock bottom if you set about things methodically. Climbing to the top of the mountain of success is not difficult if you take it in small manageable steps.

If you would like more information email me at

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at Prospecting For Gold

Saturday 24 July 2010

Visit the Happy Entrepreneur Blog

For the next week or so I will be working on Rhe Happy Entrepreneur Blog which is also designed to show the things you need to know if you want to be your own boss and enjoy financial freedom.

To transfer to The Happy Entrepreneur just click here. The Happy Entrepreneur/

If you haven't taken those first steps now please start planning. The Government haven't finished making the economic cuts that are vital if the country's finances are to retreat from the verge of bankruptcy. The positive thing to remember is that it is in times like these that real entrepreneurs can establish the foundations of future successful businesses while the faint hearted dither and do nothing but moan.

Which are you?

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email or email

Friday 23 July 2010

Ten Positive Ideas That Should Be The Base Of Every Successful Business

1. Maintain a happy atmosphere. Smiling is easier than frowning. It uses fewer muscles. You know what the old saying is. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.

2. Enjoy your life. Do everything with enthusiasm. If you look for the positive you will get when you are doing boring but necessary things. Do what the song says. Always look on the bright side of life. Think of the day when you are financially free and can choose to only do the enjoyable things.

3. Look for the best in people. Expect the best from them and you will usually get it. Expect to enjoy life and you probably will.

4. Let other people know you appreciate them. Praise them and compliment them whenever you can but it must be sincere and come from the heart.

5. Another old saying should be the mantra of the successful businessman or woman. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do, what you think and how you act can be the first step to financial freedom if you stay positive and keep moving forward.

6. Get to know people before you judge or evaluate them. You previous experience and prejudices could cause you to reject someone who would be invaluable to you. Approach them positively not negatively.

7. Think successful and you will be successful. Act positively and decisively. Don't keep looking for flaws unnecessarily.

8. Keep feeding your mind. Read motivational books. Mix with motivated people. Feed your mind with positivity. Keep away from the negative.

9. Be enthusiastic about what you do. Tell people about it in a way that shows your enthusiasm and will encourage them to want to join you.

10. Never give up. It is the easiest thing in the world to collapse like a deflated balloon if something goes wrong. Don't be a wimp. The successful business person will pick themselves up, dust themselves down, work out what went wrong and start all over again.

Until tomorrow - keep positive. Visit or email

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at The Happy Entrepreneur/

Thursday 22 July 2010

Prepare to Be Your Own Boss and Be Financially Free

Have you ever wondered why so many people who win millions on the lottery find that money doesn't buy happiness. Often they end up having more problems than before they got the money.

So how are you going to handle being a successful business person?

1. Never forget what really matters to you. Family, friends, hobbies, whatever... Make a list now and keep it a safe place. Refer to it at least once a week so that it becomes a habit.

2. Decide what you really want out of life. People usually say they want to be rich but it isn't the money which makes you happy. What gives you pleasure is what that money will buy. So that is your second list to be treated as above. Write down what you would buy  - and why. Give it a lot of thought. Imagine you have each thing in turn. Look at it. Live with it. Do you still want it?

3. Believe that you can achieve success.  Don't think about 'If I'm successful....'. Think about 'When I'm successful...' 

4. Don't waste time dreaming. Sit down work out what you are going to do  and then do it. Don't be a perfectionist. You will make mistakes. Everyone does. Successful people learn from them.

Don't leave it until tomorrow. Start now by looking at Prospecting for Gold/

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Build a Successful Business Producing Local Guides

More people are taking their holidays in the UK now that we are all having to tighten our belts. This provides an ideal opening for you to build a successful business. Publishing local guides can be your Open Sesame to a lucrative market.

To start this new business all you need is a computer with an internet connection, a printer and a commercial size stapler.

Now visit your local library and swot up on as much local history as you can. Talk to local people to find out if there are any customs you don't know about. Are there any myths or legends about the locality? Do any famous people present and past have local connections? Have any films, TV programmes or documentaries been made anywhere near? Where do people walk their dogs, ride their horses or go for walks? What about local pubs and tea shops? What places should visitors not miss?

Now you prepare a list of titles. E.G. 'Five short walks for you and your dog'. 'Famous places you must visit'. 'Tea shops and pubs which welcome you and your dog'. 'Local myths and legends'. Etc.

Hopefully you can be more imaginative, creating titles from the information you have discovered. Include pictures, sketches and draw simple maps.

Use a desktop publishing package to create 32 page A5 booklets printed on at least 90gm paper with card cover and stapled.

For information about marketing, printing larger quantities, etc. to email click here Booklets

If you would like some help in finding the right business for you and receive personal help go to or email

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at

Tuesday 20 July 2010

An Overview of the Ways To Begin the Journey to Financial Freedom

Just to remind you if you want to be your own boss and gain financial freedom. You have to work at establishing your plan if it is to be a successful business. In the early days you will have to work hard, consistently and enthusiastically. The rewards, when they come, will be worth it.

Most importantly, don’t give up at the first setback. Snags will appear just when you don’t expect them. You will learn from these and emerge stronger.

Don’t be fooled be promotional letters suggesting that you can become a millionaire over night with little or no effort. Remember the old saying ‘Great oaks from little acorns grow’. Any of the following 7 ‘acorns’ can be developed into a great, successful business which will give you all the financial freedom you could wish for.

1. Network marketing. Work at building a good business downline and the amount of time you have to yourself increases terrifically. You have an income for life even after you’ve hit the retirement age.

2. Marketing your own services. Run, for example, a cleaning, gardening, lonely hearts or house sitting agency. This can be done on line from wherever you are in the world. Like most successful business ideas you start small and ideas grow as you go along.

3. Marketing your own skills. You can start your successful business using your own skill, then include a network of craftsmen and women to augment the service. This business idea links to the next one in our list.

4. Marketing your own products. Can you produce niche items to a really high standard? Handmade furniture, christening or naming gowns, wedding dresses, sculptures in wood or stone, picture frames, mirrors, wood carvings, art works of any sort will all achieve a high price for exceptional quality.

5. Information marketing. This is one of the most popular and potentially lucrative of the home business opportunities but you have to know what you’re doing. Information marketing is creating manuals, DVDs etc. telling people how to do anything from improving their golf swing to bringing up children – or even how to become information marketers. Just look at the magazine shelves in the newsagents. There is an infinite subject list of things people want to know more about.

6. Internet marketing. This is an extension of points 4 and 5. You can do your marketing on the internet very successfully. Especially now as the general public is comfortable with buying things on line.

7. Affiliate marketing. This is also usually done on line. Basically you direct people towards other people’s products and receive commission if a sale results.

Which type of business appeals to you? What steps do you need to take to set it up? You can learn all you need to know from http://Prospecting For Gold/

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email

Monday 19 July 2010

Build A Manufacturing Business

You might view that suggestion with a mixture of horror and incredulity. Visions of factories, heavy machinery and a large workforce are probably not what you had in mind when you started looking for financial freedom.

What you have to realise is that many large manufacturing companies started out as an idea that someone started working on in a small shed or workshop. It was often some time before the small workshop grew to any great size and achieved the accolade of being a successful business.

The idea of steam power when a bloke called James Watt noticed how easily the heavy iron lid of the kettle boiling on the hob was lfted by steam. Stephenson designed engines that could harness this power.

More simply and recently when the first parents who decided to make and imprint of their new baby's hands and feet in plaster of paris they didn't envisage that kits to do just this are sold world wide.

Just watch 'Dragons' Den' on TV. there are some wacky ideas but most of the inventions show great scope for development.

Have you ever thought 'I wish someone would invent something to ...'

Well don't just wish. Start inventing.

Inventions don't have to be big or complex. They can be just simple little gadgets that make life easier or more fun.

Make a list of all the really small gadgets you come across every day. Someone invented them and made a lot of money.

If you want to be your own boss, have financial freedom but also want time to spend with your family and friends doing the things you enjoy you can sell your idea to another entrepreneur. Alternatively you could operate the business as a franchise.

Prospecting For Gold/ will guide you in detail and personally through all the steps of finding your own niche, learning how to develop and finance it, and how to maximise the opportunities available to you.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email

Sunday 18 July 2010

Information Marketing - The Key to the Easiest Way to Build a Successful Business

Information marketing covers a vast range of business opportunities. It can consist of books, manuals, DVDs, Video clips, PDF downloads, seminars or courses offered by instalment either as downloads or hard copy.

The information can be about anything under the sun - or even in the universe if you're offering information on astronomy.

Basically these information streams deal with the 'How to ---' answers that people want.

How to improve your golf swing.
How to paint landscapes (or portraits, or in oils, or watercolours, or .....)
How to arrange flowers.
How to service your chainsaw.
How to get rid of garden pests.
How to build a boat.
How to build your own house.
Etc. etc. etc.

Now how do you market these information products when you've prepared them?

You can build your own web site with ordering and payment facilities. Advertise on line and by sending press releases to relevant magazines, newspapers, clubs and other organisations. Join relevant chat groups on line, make your presence known Tweeting and on Facebook, and write regular blogs on the subject.

For more ideas visit http://Prospecting For Gold/ and also look at
The Happy Entrepreneur/

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email

Saturday 17 July 2010

Financial Freedom - Be Your Own Boss. Part Two

Once you have a small money pot, either from spare cash or as a result of the suggestions in yesterday's blog you can get down to working on what you enjoy doing.

Decide what you like doing most then brainstorm the ssubject to see where it leads you. If you don't know about brainstorming email for details.

As an example consider my hobby of gardening. How could I build this into a successful business and get the financial freedom I want?

Brainstorming has given me the following list of related topics.

1. Selling plants at markets, car boot sales, advertisements in gardening magazines, on the internet.

2. Producing niche crops and selling as above.

3. Writing information booklets on gardening subjects e.g. pests and diseases, organic gardening, growing your own fruit and vegetables, growing flowers.

4. Buy garden products wholesale and sell them.the via your own web page or on ebay.

5. Make and sell wooden planters and garden ornaments.

And so the list goes on. Any of these could be developed into a profitable business. Start small but aim at producing high quality items which make higher prices.

As an exercise try making a list of everything to do with your favourite hobby. You should be able to list between thirty and forty related items. Most of them are things which you would buy or pay for information about. Someone makes a lot of money from providing these things. Why not you?

Don't forget for the Brainstorming information by emailing

Tomorrow we'll look at information marketing as the way to build a very successful business.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email . The Happy Entrepreneur/ also has some helpful tips for entrepreneurs.

Friday 16 July 2010

What Sort Of Work Will Set Me On The Road to Financial Freedom? Part One

We'll start right at the bottom and take it you want to start with no cash to invest in your financial freedom. This might be because you can't afford it. Or maybe you have to convince yourself you can do it. Or perhaps you just like the challenge of starting from nothing and see how long it takes you to create your own successful business.

What you must do is build up a little money pot to work with. To do this you might have to work at things you don't particularly enjoy but if it pays - do it.

Open a new bank account and put every penny you earn into it. That is your future financial supply. Do NOT spend any of it until you are sure it is for business purposes only and that the expenditure is absolutely necessary.

Now let's look at some ideas you could consider.

Simple gardening, cutting grass and hedges etc. Develope this according to your knowledge of gardening.

Cleaning windows, houses, business premises, cars. Some enterprising people have an agreement with owners of car parks who allow them to operate a mobile 'Car wash service while you shop.'

Running a Kleeneze, Betterware or Avon business. With imagination innovative methods of marketing will make these and similar operations which are spring up all the time quite an interesting and exciting proposition.

Baby sitting, child minding, dog walking, pet sitting, house sitting. All these can be started with no outlay.

Finally, don't be too proud to tackle any of the projects listed above. They will bring money to put into your new account ready to upgrade to what you really want to do. The majority of really successful entrepreneurs have worked at occupations which were just as basic when they needed money fast to start off.

If you want any of these ideas expanded to greater detail email

Tomorrow we'll climb up to the next rung of the ladded.

Why not visit The Happy Entrepreneur/ for more ideas to help build a really successful business.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. or email

Thursday 15 July 2010

How Do I Choose A Business To Suit Me?

There are five questions youe should ask yourself. Write down as many answer as you can think of to each question. These will be the first steps to being your own boss and achieving financial freedom.

1. What am I really interested  in? Anything counts here from walking the dog, watching TV, playing a sport, fishing, working with young people. Anything at all which you enjoy doing. You can build up a home business from any hobby - you just have to think outside the box and learn how. Remember your goal - financial freedom.

2. What qualifications and skills do I have? This doesn't mean just what exams or tests you've passed. It includes courses or seminars you might have attended at any time. Don't forget your driving licence and computer skills. These will be almost essential to any entrepreneur. You are aiming at being your own boss.

3. What experience have I got? Not just at work or work-based achievements. Have you done voluntary work, worked on the engine of the car or decorated its bodywork. How are you at putting together flat packed furniture. Anything you have done ever counts as experience. Everything can be the start of your home business. You can and will develop a successful business.

4. How much time can I spare each day/week/month/year to start my business? Assuming that you may have to start your business on a part time basis before developing it full time. Decide how much time you have and stick to it. Don't allow anything short of a total disaster take away your dedicated time. Time is money to the successful businessman or woman.

5. How much money can I use to start off with? Be honest with yourself. If you have absolutely nothing - admit it. You can start from zero and be just as successful in the end as wealthier entrepreneurs. You can build up a cash reserve. It's very easy for people with a pot of money to try to run before they can walk and blow the lot. Be determined to end up financially free.

Your goal shoul be to be able to spend your time and your money doing the things you enjoy with the people you care for.

Back again tomorrow.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Why Being My Own Boss Will Give Me Financial Freedom

Okay, being your own boss sounds great, but how can it give you financial freedom?
Look at it this way. When you are employed by someone else all the money you make has to go towards supporting the boss, his family and the business. The harder you work, the more money you make will benefit him. You might get a bonus if you're lucky.

Being your own boss means that all those benefits go to you, not the boss. That's where the freedom comes in. You are also free because you can choose when you work, how you work and where you work.

There are other advantages. Firstly, you can't be sacked. When you work for someone else in times of economic crisis you can't guarentee that if the boss has to cut costs you won't be the first to go.

What about the risks?

Of course they exist but they needn't be inevitable. Let's look at why people can fail.

The most obvious is that they haven't produced a business plan for their new venture.

Secondly, they can sometimes be tempted to start off at full tilt instead of building up gradually.

Thirdly, they are entering a market about which they know nothing but which they have been told will make them millionaires in no time with very little effort. Probably they have answered one of the get rich quick schemes on offer. Most of these 'businesses' are not scams, they're just not as simple or free to operate as they suggest.

To really enjoy being your own boss and building up your own financial freedom you should start from the point of something you like and know about. Remember everyone has a skill, knowledge, experience or time that people will pay for. In future blogs I'll try to steer you into the way that suits you best.

Theodora Cochrane is the author of Prospecting For Gold which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains. See more at or email

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Beat The Credit Crunch - Be Your Own Boss

The next few years are going to be very financially tight for most people. Jobs will be lost, wages kept at an all time low and prices will rise.
Don't wait until the crunch really hits home. Join the people who can't be sacked. Be Your Own Boss.

Most people think it is a brilliant idea to be their own boss but feel that they wouldn't know where to start. That's I we come in. Having been a successful entrepreneur for longer than I care to remember I have developed a series of steps which will help budding entrepreneurs to find the skills, experience and information which will help them climb the ladder of success.

Anyone can do it. Take that first step now and visit to learn more about Prospecting for Gold, the staircase to financial success.

More information here tomorrow.